Ticket Management
The Ticket Management option is used to import receivable tickets and to check and correct these tickets. This option is also used to enter a ticket manually.
- Project Management
- Catalogue Management
- Customer Management
- Supplier Management
- Zone Management
- Define Trucks
- Configuration
Ticket Management option icons
Only the icons specific to this window are defined in the table below. |
- Import tickets
- Create a ticket from a pending transaction
- Appendix - Manufacturer's Technical Specifications
maestro* > Tickets > Quarry Tickets > Processing > Ticket Management |
Import tickets
- Configure the default manufacturer and file location.
The default manufacturer can be specified in Configuration or, if a source configuration is required, in the project, in Project Management.
- Click the Tools icon and select Import.
Source of the tickets.
NOTES: If the invoicing project entered in Configuration contains “X” characters, they are used as default values.
Selection of the source depends on the project type or the first letter of the invoicing project configured in Configuration.
Developer of the software that generated the import file. This value is displayed automatically, based on the value entered in Project Management and Configuration.
NOTE: The technical specifications for each of the developers are included in the appendix.
Location and name of the file to be imported. A default value can be entered in Project Management and Configuration.
Transaction Date
Used as the default ticket entry date. The default value is the working date.
- Select the file to be imported in Filename.
- Enter the Transaction Date.
The Import Multiple Source check box is displayed only if the selected manufacturer is « WEM » or « Integra ». This functionality is not available for other manufacturers. It allows you to import quarry tickets for many sources at the same time (in Ticket Management, the source is equivalent to a project).
For manufacturers « WEM » or « Integra », the External Source column will also be displayed in the import grid.
- Click the Refresh icon to load the selected file in the
importation grid.
Ticket line number.
Error message, if applicable.
Used to import the ticket.
NOTES: If the box is checked, maestro* validates and imports the ticket.
If it detects that the ticket is already in maestro*, it automatically clears the box.
Source of the ticket; project.
Ticket No.
Ticket number.
NOTE: In maestro*, this number is unique and represents the quarry.
Estimate Number
Number of the estimate made to the customer.
Date the ticket was created.
NOTE: Maestro* uses this date to calculate the discounts defined in the Customer Discount Table.
Customer Project
Project number.
NOTES: The customer’s project number for a ticket with the Receivable Invoicing Type.
The project can affect grouping on the invoice. The group is defined in Configuration.
The project determines whether the Invoicing Type of the ticket is Internal or not.
Contract number or for the bid to the customer.
Expense Activity
Expense activity for the Internal and Payable tickets.
NOTE: The default value is the Expense Activity defined in Catalogue Management.
Product Code
Product code defined in Catalogue Management.
Description of the product code.
File Code
Customer code or supplier code according to the Invoicing Type.
NOTE: For a Receivable ticket, the customer code can be received as an External Code defined in Customer Management.
Invoicing Type
Used to determine whether the ticket is for the input or output of product, which means whether the ticket is Receivable or Payable.
NOTE: Only some manufacturers support Payable tickets.
Purchase order number.
NOTE: The purchase order number is used when maestro* applies the discounts defined in the Customer Discounts Table.
Customer P.O.
Customer purchase order number.
NOTE: The Customer P.O. is used for grouping on the invoice.
Quantity of product invoiced.
Product unit.
Sale UP RM
Unit price of the product.
NOTE: This value can be changed by maestro* if it applies discounts. The Product Pricing Source configuration in Configuration – Quarry Tickets is used to manage the source of prices.
Product Amount
Total amount of the product.
Truck Number
Truck number from Define Trucks.
NOTE: The truck number is only validated if the Carrier type is Hired Trucker.
Description of the truck.
Carrier type
Carrier type. The choices are Hired Trucker or Customer Driver.
NOTE: The choice should be Hired Trucker if there is a calculation for transportation. Otherwise, the choice should be Customer Driver.
Source or destination region of the product.
NOTE: The Do not validate the region during import option in Configuration – Quarry Tickets (Import section) prevents maestro* from validating the region.
Description of the region.
Sale Quantity TR
Quantity invoiced for the receivable transportation.
NOTE: This quantity is only displayed if the Carrier type is Hired Trucker.
Sale UP TR
Unit cost of receivable transport.
NOTE: This value can be changed by maestro* if it applies discounts. The Transport options in Configuration are used to manage the source of prices.
Sale amount TR
Sales amount for the receivable transport.
Number of kilometers covered.
NOTE: When maestro* posts the payable transportation, transportation by hour prevails over transportation by kilometer.
Delivery time. This field is used for information purposes only.
Number of hours of transport.
NOTE: When maestro* posts the payable transportation, transportation by hour prevails over transportation by kilometer.
Hourly rate.
TR Activity
Transportation activity.
NOTE: Maestro* uses the transportation activity defined in Catalogue Management or the activity defined in Define Trucks as the default value.
Address line 1.
Address 2
Address line 2.
Address 3
Address line 3.
Identifies the company number in which the ticket will be saved. This column is effective only for the manufacturer Weightronix.
NOTE: The company number is used to find a company by Tag and the prefix for the transaction is applied.
Comment on the transaction.
Extra Code 01
Extra product 1.
NOTE: If an extra product exists, it must be accompanied by a quantity.
Extra Quantity 01
Extra quantity 1.
Extra U.P. 01
Extra 1 unit price.
NOTE: This value can be changed by maestro* if it applies discounts. The Transport options in Configuration are used to manage the source of prices.
Extra Amount 01
Extra Amount 1.
NOTE: This value can be changed by maestro* if it applies discounts. The Transport options in Configuration are used to manage the source of prices.
Extra Code n
Same as 01.
Extra Quantity n
Same as 01.
Extra U.P. n
Same as 01.
- Click the Validate the Table icon to ensure the integrity of the data to be imported.
The table must be checked if manual corrections are made to imported data.
- Click the Apply icon to import the data from the grid in maestro*.
Maestro* determines the Invoicing Type according to the combination of options and data received. Maestro* first checks whether the ticket is internal according to the Internal Ticket configuration in Configuration – Quarry Tickets. If the latter is Project, maestro* checks whether the value of the project received is an existing project in maestro*. If so, the project entered in the ticket is transferred to the project in maestro* during import. If the value in the Internal Ticket configuration in Configuration – Quarry Tickets is Internal Cust. and if an Internal Customer is defined, maestro* checks whether the value in the file code matches and can determine whether the ticket is internal for the customer.
The ticket is Payable if this type of invoicing is supported by the manufacturer (Neptune or SigmaSys). In all other cases, maestro* creates a Receivable ticket.
- Confirm the information in the
Details tab:
Counter number generated by maestro*.
Usually corresponds to the quarry income project.
Number of the quotation related to the ticket.
NOTE: If the DOT checkbox is checked in the quotation entered in this field, the Severence tax will not be applied when invoicing this ticket. For more information, consult the Project Management and Quarry Quotations topics.
Ticket No.
Delivery ticket number generated by the scale.
Date of the ticket.
NOTE: This date is not necessarily the posting date.
Source activity or project to which the income is charged.
NOTE: The activity is displayed automatically if it is entered in Configuration.
User No.
Displays the user who entered the transaction.
Income group for the activity.
NOTE: The group is displayed automatically if it is entered in Configuration.
Date Entered
Import date.
Material section:
When material or accrued cost accounting has been performed for the ticket, it becomes impossible to modify or delete it. A mention Accrued Material Calculated or Accrued Transport Calculated appears in red under User No. or Customer P.O.
Available values:
Allows the user to transfer the ticket to invoicing.
On Hold
Used to keep the ticket with the non-transferred transactions.
Non chargeable
Used to prevent invoicing of this section of the ticket.
To be validated
Used to note that the ticket must be checked before it is transferred.
Product code to be invoiced.
NOTE: This product must exist in Catalogue Management.
Customer Address
The customer address is connected to the customer and is visible only if the ticket is Receivable.
Shipping address.
Billing – Date
The first date field displays the invoicing posting date. The second date field displays the completion date of the invoice. These fields cannot be modified.
Description for reference purposes.
Invoicing Type
Available values:
Used to generate an invoice for an internal customer or an existing project in Project Management.
Not Applicable
Used if the Status field is set to Non chargeable.
Used to identify a ticket for which an invoice will be received from a supplier.
Used to generate an invoice for an external customer.
Tax Code
US tax code which was calculated on the ticket. This field is visible only if the ticket is COD (collect on delivery) and the US taxes are enabled.
NOTE: Only applicable if WinTik is chosen in the Scale Software field of the Import section of the Configuration – Quarry Tickets.
Tax Amount
US tax amount which has been calculated on this ticket. This field is visible only if the ticket is COD (collect on delivery) and the US taxes are enabled.
NOTE: Only applicable if WinTik is chosen in the Scale Software field of the Import section of the Configuration – Quarry Tickets.
Quantity of material delivered to the customer.
UP – Amount
Unit price of the product and amount (Quantity × UP).
NOTE: The price should be displayed automatically if the Product Pricing Source field is set to Maestro in Configuration – Quarry Tickets. If the price is not displayed, check whether a price is entered in Catalogue Management or Define Customer Pricing.
Amount that corresponds to the surcharge to invoice. Is visible if an item has been entered in the Surcharge field of Catalogue Management for the selected product.
NOTE: This field cannot be modified. To modify the value of the surcharge, access the product in the Catalogue Management option.
TR Qty
Transportation quantity to be invoiced.
NOTES: This quantity should be displayed automatically and equal the quantity of material.
This field is only available if the Carrier Type is Hired Trucker.
UP – Amount
Unit price and amount (TR Qty × UP) of the transportation.
NOTE: The price should be displayed automatically if the Rec. Transport Qty and Pricing Source field is set to UP maestro* and the Hired Truckers? field is set to YES in Configuration – Quarry Tickets. If the price is not displayed, check if a price is entered in Catalogue Management.
If the Invoicing Type is set to Internal or Payable, it allows the specification of the default destination company.
Project or Customer Project
Project number or customer project number, if the Invoicing Type is Receivable.
NOTE: This field is used if the Def. Internal Ticket field is set to Project in Configuration.
Identifies the expense activity of the material if this is an internal sale.
Expense group for the material if this is an internal sale.
Customer contract number.
Customer code, in the case of a Receivable ticket.
Supplier code, in the case of a Payable ticket.
Record number used for information purposes.
User No.
User number.
Customer’s order number or internal reference number.
NOTE: This field links with the Define Customer Pricing option.
Customer P.O.
Used to specify the customer’s order number if the P.O. field has been used for other purposes.
RM Invoice
Invoice number available after invoicing.
- Extras section: this section is available only if the Invoicing Type is Internal or Receivable.
01, 02, 03 and 04
Identifies an extra added to the ticket.
NOTE: Only the 4-TKS interface can import this information.
Quantity of the extra.
Unit Price
Unit price of the extra.
Extra amount.
Transportation section:
Available values:
Allows the user to transfer the ticket to invoicing.
On Hold
Used to keep the ticket with the non-transferred transactions.
Non chargeable
Used to prevent invoicing of this section of the ticket.
To be validated
Used to note that the ticket must be checked before it is transferred.
Available values:
Used to generate an invoice for an internal customer or an existing project in Project Management.
Used to generate an invoice for an external customer.
Used to identify a ticket for which an invoice will be received from a supplier.
Delivery time. This field is used for information purposes only.
TR Qty
Amount of material transported.
Invoice No.
Invoice number.
Billing – Date
The first date field displays the invoicing posting date. The second date field displays the completion date of the invoice. These fields cannot be modified.
Region from Zone Management.
Transportation supplier from Supplier Management.
Number of kilometers covered.
Unit price per kilometer or per ton.
NOTE: The unit price may be from the Transportation Rates Table if completed or from a catalogue item based on Configuration.
Truck #
Truck used from Define Trucks.
NOTE: This field is required if the billing method chosen is by catalogue item.
Number of hours invoiced by the truck driver.
Truck driver’s hourly rate.
NOTE: The rate may be from the Transport Rates if completed or from the Supplier Rates option.
Cost calculated for transportation.
Project number on which transportation is provided.
Identifies the transportation expense activity.
Identifies the transportation expense group.
User No.
User who entered the transaction in maestro*.
Purchase order number associated with the transportation.
TR Invoice
Invoice number available after invoicing.
- Click Save.
Create a ticket from a pending transaction
- Click on the Pending Transactions icon.
The selection grid, at the top of the screen, displays the Quarry Tickets’ pending transactions. - Select a pending transaction.
The pending transaction’s attached files are displayed in a new window.
If more than one file is attached, they will be displayed in the following order: PDF, Image, Excel, and Others.
- The system automatically completes some entries in the options window (the user who created the transaction, the date and time of creation, etc.).
Other entries will automatically be completed if the transaction comes from the Import Outlook Emails option.
- Complete and save the transaction.
The transaction’s attached files will be available through the Document Management option upon saving.
See also
Manufacturer's Technical Specifications
The Neptune import file is a flat file containing 31 fields. It is usually named “TRANS.TXT”. The values in the file are put between quotation marks and separated by commas. Example: “Value1”, “Value2”, etc.
The Weightronix import file is a flat file with 24 fields. The values in the file are put between quotation marks and separated by commas. Example: “Value1”, “Value2”, etc.
The Balance Bourbeau import file is a flat file with 8 fields. The values in the file are put between quotation marks and separated by commas. Example: “Value1”, “Value2”, etc.
The TKS/Billaut import file is a flat file with 43 fields. This manufacturer supports extras. The values in the file are put between quotation marks and separated by commas. Example: “Value1”, “Value2”, etc.
The Wintik import file is a flat file with 55 fields. The values in the file are separated by chr(9). Example: Value1 Value2, etc.
The SigmaSys import file is an XML file. This manufacturer supports extras.